I know it's been a little while. So many things have happened. If any of you were wondering is we were alright after the tornadoes that hit in AL, TN and GA. We're just fine. I guess tornado's don't climb mountains. It was pretty hairy on Wednesday night though. We lost our power but didn't know anything about all the chaos down below. The wind was howling and the Doos were all in their crates literally under their blankets and Lotto decided she would park her butt under the bed pillow. Of course with dogs, they have this strange perception. If they can't see you, they are convinced that you can't see them. So picture this, Lotto has her head and shoulders under the pillow with the rest of her sticking out. I lifted the pillow and she gave me a "how did you know I was under there" look. She climbed under the covers all the way to the bottom and that's where she stayed. Big brave old Sunny was giving me looks like "move over mom, I'm coming in". Did I mention that we are sleeping on a twin sized bed. Yeah! Sleeping is probably not the correct word to use.
The other big news is that I had an opportunity to bond with the Yorkies. The Yorkies family was going away for a few days an I offered to feed them etc. I didn't say what I was going to feed them to, but that's a different story. Now the Yorkies live with a big old sweet lab by the name of Max. I think I told you about him. But what I didn't know was that they also lived with 12 or so rabbits, all of which are bigger than the Yorkies. My first opportunity to get an up close with the Yorkies was in the afternoon that their people left. I go to the door and there are 3 Yorkies and Max. The little pipsqueaks are growling and snarling and jumping up and down. Max is just wagging his tail. I opened the door a little and informed these hairballs that the first one to lay a whisker or tooth on me was going to be used for field goal practice. I guess they took me seriously because they all backed off except Max who was looking for a cookie. When I got inside all I saw was 2 Yorkies. I thought the big one slipped through the door and I started to look for him. Then I saw they were all at the door repeating the jumping growling act. Got back inside and there were only 2 Yorkies. Oh well, the third one could have been hiding anywhere. I got my first good look at them in their "casual" attire. Uncombed, naked (no sweaters) and no ponytails. I picked one up and the dog damn near fainted. I turned him around a little, but there wasn't much to see. So I put him back on his perch on the back of the couch. The other one was in his little bed which was all red velvet, leopard fur and gold trim. He is the middle sized one. The big one was still hiding. Now this little guy has floppy ears. I never knew a Yorkie could have floppy ears. He was kind of cute in an annoying kind of little bait dog way. I gave Max a cookie and went to check the rabbits. Now this one female rabbit had a bit of an attitude issue. I had been informed of this on my tour of the rabbits. She has this habit of getting PO'd if you take too long to fill up her bowl and will fling the bowl across the cage. Rabbits eat these pellet type of things. They look just like rabbit turds. My first thought was that someone was really cashing in on this, they are collecting rabbit turds and repackaging them as rabbit food.Anyway, the rabbits were all kind of docile except for Miss Thing with the attitude. she saw me feed the rabbit next to her and Frisbee's her bowl across the cage. Geez what a grouch. The thing was, there was food in the dish but now it is on the bottom of the pen mixed in with the rabbit turds and you couldn't tell which were which because they are the same thing. I thought about teaching her a lesson and not giving her any food but I'm not sure rabbits can catch the subtleties and it would be lost on her and she probably would take it out on the rabbit next top her, bitching and whining in a rabbit sort of way. By the way, do rabbits make noise?
I fed the animals for 3 days and would let Max in and out. He looked like he could use a break from all the yapping and dish flinging and always gave me a really thankful look and I would give him a cookie to take with him. I never did see the third Yorkie, but I would see him when they were yapping and running around on their porch. They had these bowls that were self feeders and self waterer. I assumed that he was eating and drinking. The funny thing is that Max and the Yorkies all eat and drink from the same dishes. Now the food bowl is about one good size bite for Max and I noticed that you have to refill the storage part daily. But Max doesn't look like he has missed any meals.
Yorkies made a great escape out the door and headed right for Sunfire and Riggins. Of course, they were up for the game and stated to play a Dalmatian version of "Keep Away", tossing him to one another. The furball is screaming this high pitched scream and my boys think they have a real coup, they thought they had caught a squirrel! Thank goodness Mira wasn't around, we all know about her attitude and especially to the Yorkies. I told them to "leave it" and for once in their lives they did what I said. The Yorkie is hightailing it to his porch and runs in front of Lotto and she head butts him and sits on him. Like "I got him!". His people even thought that was funny. Meanwhile the Yorkie escaped and joined his buddy under the bed. I'll say one thing for my guys, they do good teamwork. You got to love those Dals!...