Friday, June 24, 2011

Whoop-de-doo It's Birthday time again!!

You know, having a bunch of dogs is like having a bunch of kids. It's always some one's birthday!! Today (6/19) is both Siren and Riggins birthday, they are littermates. Seven years ago, Lotto was seriously regretting having anything to do with Sunny. About this time (5:30 pm) she delivered her first pup. Lotto is not one of those super whelpers. She likes to take a nice break between puppies. At about 9:00 pm she delivered what I thought was her last pup. Wrong!!! At 2:00 am she delivered Riggins. He has always been a little different. He was a perfect little pup. And for the past 7 years he has been doing things on his own time. So today we have a double birthday and Father's day to boot!

Naturally this called for a party. Again no hats, although Sunny does enjoy wearing the occasional stylish hat. We actually had to have 2 parties because Sunny and Sunfire simply hate each other. So we had the Father's day party in the afternoon and the Birthday bash in the evening. We served our usual fare, big bowls of ice cold water, hot dogs and BIG cookies. It was a rather reserved event for us. But Sunny enjoyed it.  He would have enjoyed it more if he could have beat up Sunfire! Sunfire didn't attend the Father's day party, but he did get treats. In the evening, we had our birthday party. Sunfire sang his long, loud version of the Wooo-Wooo song. Riggins joined in on that one, but they never did reach that perfect harmony. Siren, of course, danced her paws off and Mira joined her in her version of dancing which includes scooting across the floor. She tries her best, but Siren is the dancer in this family. Siren did her usual paw tapping and butt wiggling but because it was her birthday, she added a new step which was to get on her hind feet and wave her front paws in the air. I'm telling you that girl can DANCE. We celebrated with some chicken nuggets, ice cream and a group snuggle. Of course Sunny didn't attend this one, but he did share the treats too.

I'm getting too damn old to party like that. Lotto agreed, somewhere between the start and end of the Birthday party, she left and took some additional nuggets and went to lay on the bed. I wasn't far behind her. Oh, by the way, there has been a new development at the Yorkie house. There is a new Yorkie! Stay tuned for the next posting, hopefully this week. Same time, same blog, same dogs........